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Human Services Network of Colorado

Upcoming events

    • 03/19/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Meet at First Baptist Church of Denver (1373 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203) then walk to the Capitol together

    Advocate for anti-poverty policy to support Colorado working families!  Aboguemos por políticas públicas y propuestas de ley que apoyan a las familias trabajadoras de Colorado.

    Colorado’s legislators need to hear from you! You will walk away  from this event feeling empowered and equipped to effectively  voice your position on proposed legislation to your state  elected officials. 

    Wednesday, March 19th, 8:00-11:00 AM

    Please join us for the All Families Deserve a Chance (AFDC) Coalition's annual Day at the Capitol. We will meet at the First Baptist Church (1373 Grant St) for breakfast, intros, and an overview of our policy priorities before walking over to the Capitol to meet with legislators and advocate for policies that support Colorado families. 

    ¡Prepárate para desayunar, conversar con legisladores sobre políticas públicas de antipobreza y conectar con otras personas defensoras!

    Here's the Registration Link


    What is AFDC? The All Families Deserve a Chance (AFDC) coalition is an all-volunteer network of direct service providers and policy  experts that educate, strategize, lobby, support, and inform the  community on issues impacting low-income families.  All are welcome to join. YOU, family, friends, neighbors, students, direct service  providers, policy experts, and nonprofit leaders. 

    • 03/19/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 29

    This workshop will focus on what providers should do when the police contact their client; whether it be on the street, in a vehicle, or at a residence, providing practical guidance to protect their rights and preserve their future. The first half will be about client rights and best practices. The second half will explore practical tools for applying those rights and best practices. There will be time for discussion and questions after both halves of the presentation.

    Goals and takeaways include:

    • Empowering providers with knowledge of their clients’ legal rights;
    • tools they can use to protect clients and their families;
    • best practices to follow during police encounters;
    • how to discuss these practices with and educate different human services populations;
    • how to remain empathetic through these tough conversations; and
    • resources available to you and your clients.


     Eric Faddis is an attorney and a media legal correspondent. He is a former felony prosecutor, current criminal defense and civil litigation attorney, Founding Partner of Varner Faddis Elite Legal, and a regular contributor to Court TV and other media outlets.
    Eligible for two hours Certificate of Completion.

    This event is co-sponsored by

    Varner Faddis Elite Legal

    • 03/25/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 44

    A lot of practitioners are familiar with the basic MI Skills and comfortable with using the OARS Skills. Are you interested in going to the next level with your MI Practice and gaining more confidence around the strategic use of MI?

    Motivational Interviewing can achieve powerful results in a very short amount of time when a practitioner knows the MAP of CHANGE and understands how to use MI skills strategically, so when to use which skill set for maximizing the client’s momentum towards positive change.

    During this training you will:

      • Understand and be able to utilize the Map of Change
      • Review the different Skill Sets in MI and their STRATEGIC use
      • Practice MI Strategy with client examples
      • Learn how to assess for success in your MI practice

    Presenter: Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CAC III, ADS

    Avani is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Addiction Counselor, a Somatic Psychotherapist, an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, and a Motivational Interviewing Trainer (MINT), who specializes in substance abuse prevention and treatment with adults, teens and their families. She is the founder and director of the “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs & Alcohol” nonprofit program, an innovative, grassroots substance abuse prevention and intervention program that teaches teens to become leaders around healthier lifestyles and positive peer culture. In addition to teaching the Natural Highs program at several high schools in Boulder and at Naropa University, Avani works as a psychotherapist with teens, families and adults with issues around substance abuse, addiction and trauma using approaches such as Somatic Psychotherapy, Brainspotting and Systemic Constellationwork. She is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and trains Motivational Interviewing for criminal justice, mental health, health care, and substance abuse professionals.

    • 03/31/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 40

    De-escalation of disruptive behavior has become an essential skill, pertinent to all staff providing human services. The need for safe, effective techniques to manage the disruptive client is no longer limited to those who work with severe mental illness in residential or hospital settings.

    To add to the problem, the current de-institutionalization trend has injected thousands of individuals who once were treated on an inpatient basis, into a society which is not quite sure how to manage their behavior. Outpatient mental health facilities are being asked to service clients who formerly had inpatient care. Frequently, staff at a community-based treatment centers do not have the training or experience to manage the aggressive behaviors of clients who were once institutionalized.

    This training provides attendees with a safe, non-harmful techniques, designed to aid human service professionals in the management of disruptive clients. Strategies and specific skills for dealing with clients in varying stages of escalation will be presented and discussed. Non-restraining physical protective maneuvers will be reviewed, demonstrated and discussed. Principles of debriefing and using teaching moments will also be addressed.


    De-escalation will be presented in three phases:

    • Phase 1 Avoiding escalation through Self Care and Awareness;
    • Phase 2 Anatomy of crisis development and de-escalating skill sets; and
    • Phase 3 Exit maneuvers and debriefing skills.

    By the end of the webinar, learners will be able to:

    • Recognize the importance of self-care in how it relates to escalating/de-escalating any situation;
    • Apply de-escalation techniques effective in approaching and reducing the • tension of an agitated person;
    • Understand the impact of their reactions on the agitated person;
    • Utilize tools to control their anxieties during interventions toward maintaining the best possible professional attitude; and

    • Describe nonverbal, para-verbal and verbal skills to maintain the best possible care and welfare, as well as safety and security, for all involved.


    Presenter: Tracy L. Hutchinson, LPC, MAC, LAC 

    Tracy has been working in the field of Addictions and Mental Health for the past 40 years. Currently, through her Counseling and Consulting private practice, Tracy is a facilitator of professional growth and development for team building. See more information about Tracy HERE.

    Eligible for 6 hours Certificate of Completion

    • 04/02/2025
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 49

    What habits and behaviors are within your control in order to feel more reflective of how hard you work? We'll go over actions you can take to be more financially empowered! Nothing happens overnight; habits are built one action, one step at a time. Often, the steps are easy individually even when all together, it can feel overwhelming. You are more than your portfolio - financial life isn't just your investments or just your retirement. Understanding your money story is your starting point, and financial goals are your next stops on the journey.

    The goal of this workshop is that participants leave having created a financial foundation and a better understanding of their money story.

    Our follow-up, in-depth workshop series in May (separate registration to be posted shortly) will cover:

    May 21: Financial Wellness Considerations for Caregivers  Now you are aware of your spending and we've laid a foundation for savings and debt management, let's talk about some of the risks you don't usually think about: 

    May 28: Why Investing Is Not Simple, But Not Impossible. Why is investing so hard? What does it mean to align your money with your values, and how do we keep fear from making decisions for us? 


    JO Suttles: I have always considered myself a Helper. The first stop on my professional journey was as a Police Officer in Texas. It was in this position I worked diligently to develop relationships using a “community policing” philosophy where trust and understanding are critical, as they are similarly essential in financial planning.  I left police work at the end of 2016 to attend The University of Texas at Dallas as a non-traditional student. I graduated in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Finance (BSF) and started my new career in financial planning. I have found my professional home with Better Pockets Financial.

    Sarah Lassberg: I’m a veteran of the financial industry, starting in 2005, through the Great Recession of 2008 and the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. I have seen and experienced how quickly life changes while we are each simply trying to survive. I was able to leave the corporate world in 2019 to found Elf Army of Light – a 501(c)3 providing nonreligious resources and support for families experiencing pregnancy loss and infant death. My heartfelt motivation for helping others with finance resulted from my years as an analyst, underwriter, and process consultant where I talked to many people who suddenly had to confront their financial plans, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. The opportunity to combine my passions, activism, and professional skills ultimately led me to Better Pockets Financial, where I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most: being a resource and service to help those who help others.

    Better Pockets Financial: We understand that achieving financial wellness can be intimidating and overwhelming. We care, and we want to help you align your financial life with your values. We believe that family, life experiences, creating memories, and bettering our community are more valuable than money. We see organizations - businesses and non-profits - as agents for change. We believe in empowering our clients through education and engagement. As fiduciaries, we will ALWAYS act in your best interest, no matter what. Because everyone deserves financial advice, we strive to make advice accessible, available, and affordable so we do not have a minimum asset requirement. Our fees are clear and transparent and we don't earn commissions of any kind. Our process is about intention and behavior, so we meet you where you are and walk through it together.

    Eligible for one-hour Certificate of Completion.

    • 04/07/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 12

    Working with adults and juveniles who have committed sexually based offenses requires an understanding of how Colorado classifies, supervises, and treats such clients, based on the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Standards. This training will provide an overview of best practices in providing therapy to, and working with, this population. Additional relevant information for human service providers will also be presented, including the legal definition of sex offender, the sex offense-specific evaluation requirements, sex offender registry requirements, risk factors, and working as part of a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) or Community Supervision Team (CST). 

    1.     Participants will have basic knowledge of SOMB Standards, and the differences between working with adults and juveniles. 

    2.     While there is no simple answer to the question of why people engage in sexual offending behavior, research suggests a number of factors related to the etiology and typology regarding individuals who commit sexual offenses. An overview will be provided about these topics, so participants can recognize there is no “one size fits all” in working with this population.  

    3.     Participants will learn how the sex offense specific evaluation is conducted and used as a source of information to guide treatment planning.  

    4.     Participants will have a basic understanding of what sex offense specific treatment requires, including the client taking responsibility for the sexual offending behavior, developing victim empathy, learning how to utilize appropriate social skills, and managing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which lead to the sexual offending. The importance of victim and community safety will be highlighted. Treatment-related topics such as assessing risk, addressing safety concerns, and working as part of a team will also be introduced.  

    5.     There will be several case presentations, so participants will apply this knowledge about sex offense specific treatment to particular cases, utilizing a discussion format.  

    Presenter: Ashley Charbonneau, LCSW, LAC

    I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Addiction Counselor, and Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Full Operating Treatment Provider and Evaluator. I started Enso Counseling in 2016. I specialize in providing individual therapy to address substance abuse, healthy relationships, unhealthy sexual behavior, and trauma. Read more about Ashley HERE.

    Eligible for 3 hours Certificate of Completion

    • 04/08/2025
    • 04/29/2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 47

    Join our live, virtual sessions and learn practical therapeutic theory and approaches that you can implement immediately to provide effective and efficient direct care services. Theory and techniques have been successfully modified to fit helping relationships that are not primarily therapeutic in nature. The goal of each workshop is to enhance knowledge, skill and confidence in providing effective, efficient, client-centered care.

    Topics include Direct Professional Success, Self Care, Healing (Trauma) Informed Approaches, Boundaries, and De-Escalation. Please see the learning objectives below for more information. Attendants are encouraged to define their own learning objectives, as well, for example, “I want to … feel better/have more energy at the end of the day… jump to solutions less & allow participants to work harder…use more empathy.”

    This series of four intensive workshops will be conducted from April 8 through April 29. All are half-day webinars. The goal of each session is to enhance knowledge, skill and confidence in providing effective client-centered care.

    16 hours of intensive personal online training with 6 hours of supplemental virtual training for a total of 22 hours training.

    Learning Objectives

      • Define my Success
      • Understand Self Care
      • Review Best Practices in Case Management/Navigation
      • Understand the Process of Change
      • Learn about the Care Cycle (Intake through Discharge)
      • Learn about Therapeutic Communication
      • Understand Crisis Management
      • Learn about the Care/Treatment Cycle (Intake through Discharge)
      • Apply MI and Other Skills in Work with Clients (Intake through Discharge)
      • Apply Information and Skills to Case Scenarios
      • Plan to Implement Information & Skills on the job

    Supplemental Online Trainings cover the following topics:

      1. Helper as a Person (50 minutes)
      2. Therapeutic Communication (40 minutes)
      3. Multiculturalism (1 hour 10 minutes)
      4. HIPAA (45 minutes)
      5. Mandatory Reporting (45 minutes)
      6. Stages of Change (40 minutes)
      7. Harm Reduction (30 minutes)
      8. Service Planning/Monitoring (40 minutes)
      9. Approaches to Difficult Situations (30 minutes)

    Optional Coaching Sessions - May 5 & 12 / June 9 & 23   9–10:30am 

    Put theory and approaches into direct practice with Coaching. Join others who want to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency by applying Trauma (Healing) Informed Care, Motivational Interviewing & other approaches in this group setting. Melinda will facilitate discussion of relevant direct care topics and will follow your lead. Our goal is to celebrate successes and problem solve struggles with participant scenarios. Available to DSP attendees for an additional fee of  $50 per session or $160 for all four. Registration for coaching opens after DSP ends on April 29.

    Direct Service Provider Certificate: Aspire Training will provide a 22 hours Certificate of Completion for the Direct Service Provider Certification Program, documenting all hours of both in-person and online trainings.

    Presenter: Melinda Marasch, LCSW

    Aspire Training & Consulting

    It is my honor to do exciting work with the amazing, compassionate people in the nonprofit world! It has been my life’s passion to help others, first as a psycho-therapist and now as a consultant. I specialize in clinical supervision in the form of training (in-person and online), as well as individual and group sessions. We serve licensed and unlicensed individuals, as well as programs and organizations. I have expertise in many areas, including HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, mental illnesses and much more. I also provide coaching to clients who are motivated to maximize their assets.

    • 04/16/2025
    • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 42

    This workshop will define and discuss various aspects of anxiety and depression and how they may present in your clients.

    Anxiety: Anxiety presents itself in different ways in all of us; no two individuals experience anxiety the same. Much like fingerprints, the way an individual experiences and responds to anxiety is unique to them. However, common physiological and neuro responses to stress and anxiety do occur in all of us. We will look at aspects of anxiety that are common across the wide spectrum of anxiety diagnoses. We will focus on these traits and offer actionable approaches in which to navigate acute and chronic anxiety.

    Depression: Recognizing the signs of a depressive episode or period can be critical in taking the necessary steps in preventing its onset. This portion of the workshop will discuss traits commonly associated with a depressive episode. It will offer possible techniques and actions that can be taken to begin the journey out of a depressive episode as well as actionable steps to maintain awareness of signs that an episode may be approaching.

    Actionable Takeaways

    • tools to navigate acute and chronic anxiety
    • techniques to initiate the journey out of a depressive episode
    • signs that a depressive episode may be approaching

    PRESENTER: Charles Floyd (he/him/his) retired from the United States Army after twenty years of honorable service as an Airborne Infantryman. He earned a Master of Arts in International Disaster Psychology from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Professional Psychology and is a Licensed Professional Counselor candidate working on his licensure requirements. Charles is currently a Community Engagement Coordinator focusing on the Veteran population and Jefferson Center’s Gun Shop Project.

    Eligible for two hours Certificate of Completion
    • 05/01/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 56

    This workshop provides tools which help practitioners to empower clients with unhealthy relationship backgrounds, offering them a better chances for success going forward.

    Relationships are a fundamental part of our lives as human beings. Often the focus in professional settings is recognizing and challenging unhealthy relationships. However, understanding the fundamental components of healthy relationships is key to building the client's skills to allow them to foster healthy relationships.

    This training will provide helping professionals with psychoeducation on the psychological roots of building healthy relationships, techniques on how to build your client's skills in developing healthy relationships, and opportunities to practice implementing those skills.

    It also offers practitioners an opportunity to explore how their personal relationships affect their interactions with clients.

    Learn how to intentionally model healthy relationships with your client through

    • Boundary Setting
    • Parallel Processing
    • Modeling healthy relationships

    Learn how to use strength-based approaches to promote positive relationships in your clients through:

    • Psychoeducation on recognizing healthy relationships
    • Techniques to help clients cope with uncomfortable feelings
    • Using a client-led approach to empower clients in setting boundaries and relationship standards

    Learn practical tools to teach your clients how to foster positive relationships in their lives using

    • The 5 secrets of communication
    • Gottman Relationship Theory
    • Healthy Communication techniques


     Presenter: Marisol Velez Murray is the director of Marisol Homes, an extended stay shelter for single and expectant mothers and their children. Marisol is a licensed professional counselor. She specializes in populations that have experienced intimate partner violence, Latinx immigrant population, and complex trauma. She has extensive experience in mental health crisis stabilization and response and has worked in a variety of positions with individuals across the lifespan.

    Eligible for two hours Certificate of Completion

    • 05/06/2025
    • 05/14/2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Zoom webinar
    • 20

    This evidence-based approach has consistently shown positive outcomes in dealing with resistance and defensiveness. Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative conversation style for strengthening a person's own motivation and commitment to change. It has been successfully used with populations where resistance is prevalent, including adults and adolescents who deal with legal problems, substance abuse and mental health issues. 

    Motivational Interviewing provides a “tool box” of techniques and strategies which will help you to be more effective in working with clients who bring a wide range of challenges. This is a four-day online training with a four-hour session each day. A broadband Internet connection and working webcam are required for participation. You must be on-camera during the event to receive a certificate of completion.

     Attendees will: 

    Understand the basic principles and skills of Motivational Interviewing

    Experience a collaborative versus an authoritarian communication style and see how you can effectively decrease defensiveness in clients​;​

    Learn and practice resistance skills​;

    Learn and practice directive skills that help move a client towards positive behavior change​;​

    Be able to elicit commitment language from a client that is correlated to positive outcomes​;​

    Explore proven implementation strategies that help improve your Motivational Interviewing skills in the field​.


    Presenter: Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CA
    Avani specializes in substance abuse prevention and treatment with adults, teens and their families. She is the founder and director of the “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs & Alcohol” nonprofit program. Avani has been training professionals in in Motivational Interviewing and other evidence-based practices worldwide for over 20 years. Find out more about Avani HERE.

    Eligible for 16 hours MINT Certificate of Completion, valid worldwide.

    • 08/19/2025
    • 08/21/2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Zoom Webinar
    • 20


    Motivational Interviewing provides a “tool box” of techniques and strategies which will help you to be more effective in working with clients who bring a wide range of challenges. This one-day advanced Motivational Interviewing Training is the next step for teams who are serious about an evidence-based implementation of Motivational Interviewing skills. The development and maintenance of MI skills is a challenge for front-line workers. Participating in the workshops is a great start but ongoing feedback and mentoring are needed in order for most workers to use MI skillfully. This workshop can help enhance both supervisor MI skills and the quality and nature of the mentoring process. It’s a win-win for clients and agency staff alike.
    This advanced MI training is only for those who have already taken the Motivational Interviewing Basic Two-Day training series. The training builds on the two-day MI Skills Training and teaches supervisors and professionals who are passionate about MI how to keep the practice of MI alive within their teams. If you have not undergone the MI Basic Series, please register for that course instead of this one; we conduct MI Basic regularly.

    Participants will leave with an understanding of:
    • the research-based building-blocks of a successful MI implementation
    • MI coaching skills
    • how to facilitate MI practice sessions
    • a manual with tailored MI exercises to build & sustain their team’s MI skills


    Presenter: Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CAS 
    Avani specializes in substance abuse prevention and treatment with adults, teens and their families. She is the founder and director of the “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs & Alcohol” nonprofit program. Avani has been training professionals in in Motivational Interviewing and other evidence-based practices worldwide for over 20 years. Find out more about Avani HERE.


    Eligible for 8 hours Certificate of Completion

Event Schedule

View the Network's projected training topics and other training information here. To view event information and fees (including member discounts) before registering, click Show details in the lower right -hand corner of each event description above.

 Cancellation Policy

  • Substitutions are welcome; please let us know in advance.
  • No-shows and cancellations 7 days or less prior to an event will be granted neither credit nor refund.
  • Up to 8 days prior to event:  25% refund will be issued in the form of a credit towards future registration.
  • Up to 15 days prior to event: 50% refund will be issued in the form of a credit towards future registration.
  • Up to 29 days prior to event: A full refund will be issued.
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