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Human Services Network of Colorado

A Day at the Capitol (Día en el Capitolio) with AFDC

  • 04/10/2024
  • 7:40 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Meet at First Baptist Church of Denver (1373 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203) then walk to the Capitol together


  • This event will be held at the Capitol

Registration is closed

Advocate for anti-poverty policy to support Colorado working families!  Aboguemos por políticas públicas y propuestas de ley que apoyan a las familias trabajadoras de Colorado.

Colorado’s legislators need to hear from you! You will walk away  from this event feeling empowered and equipped to effectively  voice your position on proposed legislation to your state  elected officials. 

Join us for breakfast at First Baptist Church, where Housing, Harm Reduction, and Family Economic Security related bills will be discussed. After breakfast we will walk to the Capitol, where we will meet with legislators to discuss anti-poverty policies, and connect with other advocates! Take action with us to support working families!

7:40-8:00 Breakfast and registration
8:00-8:15 Welcome and introduction to AFDC
8:15-8:30 Bill overview:
  • Economic Security: HB24-1134, 1311, 1312
  • Housing: HB24-1322, SB24-094
  • Harm Reduction: HB24-1028, HB24-xxxx

How to Advocate
Representative Chris deGruy Kennedy

8:45-9:00Split into lobby groups. Participants will pick a topic area to lobby on based on their interest and work with their group and lobby captain to prep their visit to the Capitol
9:00-9:15 Walk over to the Capitol 
9:15-10:30 Citizen Lobbying: Groups will seek legislators to pull off the floor or in their offices
10:30-10:40  Group photo and Closing
  • Meet at the Rotunda on the first floor by 10:30 AM for the group photo
  • Casual debrief and closing--please turn in your feedback forms so we can continue making this event better

¡Prepárate para desayunar, conversar con legisladores sobre políticas públicas de antipobreza y conectar con otras personas defensoras!


What is AFDC? The All Families Deserve a Chance (AFDC) coalition is an all-volunteer network of direct service providers and policy  experts that educate, strategize, lobby, support, and inform the  community on issues impacting low-income families.  All are welcome to join. YOU, family, friends, neighbors, students, direct service  providers, policy experts, and nonprofit leaders. 

  • Contact AFDC Coalition at to attend our meetings and join our community!
  • Follow AFDC Coalition on Twitter and Facebook: @afdccoalition
  • Keep up with the legislative session with our AFDC Bill Tracker, hosted on the Human Services Network website:
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